fêtes du mois de mai 2021

Marlioz, le 31 décembre 2020

This stunningly aromatic wine, with its mélange of juicy, ripe black plums, black raspberry, flowers, truffle, mocha and spice gets you interested. The style of the 2000 Bordeaux vintage is impressive. This is already drinking well. This Bordeaux wine is pure silk and velvet offering a lot of polish and finesse in the long, seamless finish. 100 Pts. The finish lasts over sixty seconds! Those are some of the key factors needed when declaring 2000 Bordeaux a vintage great. However, because those wines require another 10-20 more years to mature, it is a good possibility the wines will score even better than they did at this tasting. As an aside, 2 days earlier, we tasted 64 & 82 Lafleur at dinner. Fraichement remonté en Ligue 1, le Téfécé va connaitre une saison historique et mémorable, que pourtant tous les supporters voudraient oublier. 90 Pts, 2000 Tertre Roteboeuf opens up with crushed raspberry, plum, black cherry and licorice aomas. Big, dense and concentrated, this structured wine needs time. These 2000 Bordeaux wines were not tasted blind and were tasted during a single morning session. 88 Pts, 2000 La Mission Haut Brion blasts off with cassis, ripe black fruit, blackberry, spice, smoke and truffle aromatics. 86 Pts, 2000 Mouton Rothschild starts off with smoke, herbs, cassis and Asian spice in the perfume. 94 Pts, 2000 La Clusiere is the real deal! At a more elevated level, 2000 has tended to show well in vertical tastings (different vintages of the same château) ever since, but it was only last week that I had a chance to participate in a really wide-ranging horizontal tasting (same vintage, various different châteaux) of top-quality 2000 bordeaux now that it is 10 years old and has benefited from at least eight years' bottle age. 2000 Left Bank Bordeaux wine… 2000 Branon with its jammy black fruit, oak and licorice filled nose is plush, rich, polished and intense. This could be the 2000 Bordeaux wine of the vintage! L'effectif de bordeaux pour la saison 2000-2001. Most recently, I was privileged to taste the 90 and sadly, even though it was not blind, I was not impressed from that supposedly legendary wine. BORDEAUX Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de BORDEAUX

GARAGE BORDEAUX 2000 317 007 532 R.C.S. The decadent mouth feel was worth the price of admission. At the very top level – first growths and the like – there are rarely disappointments nowadays because the proprietors can afford to cosset the vines and choose only the crème de la crème of what was produced each year for their signature wine. This 100% Merlot is drinking perfectly today. 90 Pts, 2000 Clos St. Martin is open for business. Perfectly polished layers of pure, ripe fruit fill every nook and cranny of your mouth. Remember, I had already tasted numerous 2000 Bordeaux by the time this was served. All material on this web site, including but not limited to written articles, tasting notes and photographs are the exclusive property of Jeff Leve and may not be copied, used, or reprinted without written notice and must be properly accredited with links to the appropriate page where the material was first published in The Wine Cellar Insider without exception to Jeff Leve/The Wine Cellar Insider. BORDEAUX Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de BORDEAUX. 90 Pts, 2000 Lafleur is as good as it gets! 88 Pts, 2000 Smith Haut Lafitte kicks off with jammy, black fruit, oak and licorice notes. But for lovers of intensity that are willing to take a chance on a unique style of wine, it’s worth picking up a few bottles. 95 Pts, 2000 Leoville Poyferre is stuffed with smoke, spice, black fruit, cassis and caramel in the perfume. It’s possible the wine will score higher as it develops. Packed and stacked with perfectly ripe fruit, coupled with textures akin to liquid silk, this intense, deep, plush, opulent wine fills your palate with layers of plums and black fruit. 95 Pts, 2000 Grand Mayne starts off with fresh herbs, juicy dark fruit, hints of licorice and chocolate. Most of the wines in this tasting were beginning to drink well, even if their life expectancies varied hugely. 94 Pts, 2000 Margaux is a rock star! C'est la première fois que deux équipes d'un même pays s'affrontaient en finale. Rich, velvety, plush waves of dark chocolate covered plums, licorice and minerals fill your palate. The opulent wine offers a long black raspberry and licorice tinged, velvety finish. This fresh wine is mouth filling and elegant, ending with a ripe black fruit filled finish. 16 February 2000 26: Monaco: 1-0: Girondins de Bordeaux: Fontvieille: 20:00 CET : Giuly 63 ' Riise 83 ' Report: Afanou 66 ' Pavon 78 ' Stadium: Stade Louis II Attendance: 13,885 Referee: Laurent Duhamel 2000 Bordeaux… “The First Vintage of the Millennium.”. If you don’t accept the use of cookies, please change your browser settings so cookies from this website cannot be placed on your device. The texture is an incredible blend of opulence, concentration and depth. Effectif FC Girondins de Bordeaux 2020/2021. 88 Pts, 2000 Lafite Rothschild offered an aromatic display of spice, cedar, graphite, blackberry and cassis. The only wines I would firmly stash away before even thinking of broaching them were Châteaux La Conseillante and Clinet in Pomerol (a very successful appellation); Rauzan-Ségla and Margaux in Margaux; Branaire-Ducru, Langoa-Barton, Léoville-Barton and, definitely, Léoville Las Cases in St-Julien; Grand-Puy-Lacoste, Lafite, Mouton and Latour in Pauillac; Montrose and Cos in St-Estèphe; Ausone in St-Émilion; and La Mission and Haut-Brion in Pessac-Léognan. 91 Pts, 2000 Haut Bergey opens with black raspberry, oak and jammy blackberry and dark raspberry scents. Top scorers Pétrus Latour Lafite La Mission Haut-Brion Église-Clinet Cheval Blanc Léoville Las Cases Best-value wines Lagrange Langoa Barton Grand-Puy Lacoste Domaine de Chevalier Haut-Bailly Smith Haut-Lafitte Du Tertre See my tasting notes, scores and suggested drinking dates on nearly 50 top 2000 bordeaux on Purple pages. Silky and concentrated, this rich, round wine is filled with plumy, blackberry, chocolate covered fruit. Fiche; ... Effectif 1999/2000. 97 Pts. I liked 2000 bordeaux from the start and found many of the well-priced Haut-Médoc minor châteaux really rather inspiring when I first tasted this vintage in April 2001, and again in 2003 soon after it had gone into bottle. Deep, dark and filled with perfectly ripe black fruit, minerality, floral and licorice tones. 2000 Barde Haut with scents of black raspberry, licorice and oak is soft and elegant on the palate. 2000 Petrus is a wine I seldom taste due to its scarcity and high price. This powerful, concentrated, deep wine filled every nook and cranny of your taste receptors with endless waves of decadent, flawlessly ripe fruit. The wine offers good texture and reasonable concentration, but lacks excitement. It is less intense than most 2000s and is very definitely in the ancient rather than modern style of winemaking on the right bank of the Gironde but it should please traditionalists looking for a fully mature, subtle, if not exactly wondrously complex 10-year-old wine. Big, intense and concentrated, this deep wine offers a lot of finesse and texture in its long, intense, ripe, fruit filled finish. Some of the more tannic, 2000 Bordeaux Left Bank wines did not express the same degree of roundness and fruit noted in earlier tastings. I admit, while some of the mature bottles I’ve experienced have been amazing, I’ve never had a current vintage that blew me away. All wines were obtained at release and have been stored perfectly since that time. Oh My God! Some people are already hailing 2009 a vintage of the century. 2000 Bordeaux Pomerol and St. Emilion both produced wines of stunning quality, richness and purity. The wine ends with a blast of black fruit and freshness. (If I wanted brevity, I could have left it there, as that truly said it all.) Since even a wine as robust as red bordeaux can be adversely affected by poor transport and storage, and since there are all too many fakes of wines nowadays – mainly but not exclusively the most expensive – it is worth noting that all these bottles came either directly from the château or from reputable UK merchants. Sexy, soft, silky and intense, the wine fills your mouth with freshness and soft textures. The flavors in the finish edged to the red fruit side. This should be enjoyed over the next 5 years to capture its essence. The wine is intense, fresh and pure. Lucky buyers who picked this up for the original futures price scored! 92 Pts, 2000 La Mondotte is stuffed to the gills with all the right stuff. Intense aromatics start with a mélange of spices, floral notes, perfectly ripe cassis, blackberry and Cuban tobacco. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. 96 Pts, 2000 Pichon Lalande with its red and black fruit filled nose is further complicated with earth, wood, spice, olive tapenade and tobacco notes. 95 Pts. This powerful, intense wine is filled with layers of plush, ripe black fruit. The sublime finish is seamless. Things might have gotten off to a slow start, but by the time the grapes were picked and on their way to being fermented, growers, Bordeaux wine makers in the Right Bank, Medoc and Pessac Leognan, along with everyone else knew they had something special on their hands with their 2000 Bordeaux wine! The wine truly coats your palate with flavor and sensations. 2000 Bordeaux wines are ripe, round, balanced and concentrated with quality fruit and in most cases silky tannins. 90 Pts, 2000 d’Armailhac offered secondary notes of tobacco, earth and truffle. 100 Pts, 2000 Pavillon Rouge is a soft, approachable, medium bodied wine of finesse that is already mature. 2000 Ausone CORKED, both bottles! All notes, comments and scores were written while tasting the wines. Fresh flowers, chocolate covered berries, anise and hints of blue fruit filled the glass. This is a wine to buy! It contrasted dramatically with its near-neighbour Château Angélus, one of the more successful exponents of a more modern, fruit-driven, glamorous and attention-grabbing style – although Angélus is selling at almost four times the price of Belair (now called Belair-Monange). Yesterday’s Gatwick–Bordeaux flight seemed to be carrying an even higher proportion of the British fine wine trade than ever. Summertown Wine Café of Oxford are currently offering it at £49.95 a bottle -–not quite such a bargain as the Lagrange, I think, but all six of the Pessac-Léognans shown in this retrospective tasting were looking delightful, with Haut-Bailly and Smith Haut-Lafitte also offering reasonably good value, albeit at slightly higher prices than Domaine de Chevalier. It pairs high quality, great style, complexity and the ability to age as well as improve. Still young, this elegant wine will only get better. The wine is round, opulent and lush with ample fruit to keep you interested. This could score several points higher when fully mature. And it’s available for a fair price in today’s market. 95 Pts, 2000 Montrose with its black fruit and cassis filled nose also expressed notes of earth, forest floor and oak tones. Bordeaux; 1999/2000; Effectif; Bordeaux France Note 1.0 / 5 (1 note) Année de création 1881 Site officiel girondins.com Stade Stade Chaban-Delmas Ville Bordeaux Noter; Commenter; Signaler une erreur; Etre fan. Close to fully mature, this will probably drink best over the next decade. 94 Pts, 2000 Calon Segur showed a spice, mineral tobacco and earthy nose. BORDEAUX Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de BORDEAUX
Voir la fiche entreprise de GARAGE BORDEAUX 2000 sur Infogreffe
317 007 532
317 007 532
, Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de BORDEAUX, Partager le lien vers cette fiche entreprise. Life is too short not to taste this wine and hopefully have at least a few bottles of it in your cellar. Deep, intense layers of spicy, black fruit, plum, licorice and crushed stones jump from the glass. Purity, velvet, silk, balance and length are the hallmarks of this wine. 90 Pts, 2000 Bellevue is filled with fresh herbs, crushed stone, black raspberry and plum aromatics. To learn about our Privacy PolicyI Agree, Bordeaux Wine Buying Guide Find the Best Bordeaux for the money to buy today (Vintages 1959 to today). I’ve seen this recently at reasonable prices. Concentrated with fruit, there were some green flavors and drying tannins in the finish. The wine is perfectly balanced and is brimming with freshness and purity. This very concentrated, dense, full bodied wine is still tannic and demands another 10-15 years before opening up. 96 Pts, 2000 Pichon Baron gets better every time I taste it! The wine finishes with a mouth full of perfectly ripe, chocolate covered black raspberry and the essence of ripe along with almost over ripe, juicy black plums. 98 Pts, 2000 La Conseillante jumped from the glass! The wine is polished, round and clean, ending with soft, sweet black fruit flavors. IMO, 2000 is a better, more pure and cleaner wine. It’s ready to drink. 93 Pts, 2000 L’Evangile is a refined style of Pomerol. See my tasting notes, scores and suggested drinking dates on nearly 50 top 2000 bordeaux on Purple pagesAs you read this I may well be in Bordeaux, almost certainly with my nose deep in a sample of the highly touted 2009 vintage. It’s powerful, intense, opulent and filled with countless layers of decadent, perfectly ripe fruit. But the finish was short. 84 Pts, 2000 La Fleur de Gay offers a chocolate covered, blackberry and truffle nose. 2000 Magrez Fombrauge  is packed and stacked with incredible layers of intense, ripe and over ripe black fruits, spice, coffee, licorice, oak and vanilla. This needs another 5 years. Polished in style, with some tannin needing to be resolved, the wine ends with a black and red fruit filled finish. 94 Pts. ... Effectif Bordeaux saison 2009 / 2010 Ajoutez des infos sur le club. Even more discreet, and perhaps aimed more at classicists, is Domaine de Chevalier, whose track record is such as to reassure anyone who finds a slight lack of fireworks in the 2000 at present. As good as it is, it’s only going to get better. I will report on whether the hype is justified in a couple of weeks, but last week I had the most delightful reminder of just what the red bordeaux fuss is all about. Everything is in balance from start to finish, ending with multiple layers of pure silk, and velvet power coupled with a complex array of perfectly ripe dark fruits. Everything is in balance. The real excitement of bordeaux for me comes from vintages that are so consistently successful that you can find delicious wines at virtually all prices and quality levels. This is a plush, opulent and stylish Leoville Poyferee. 97 Pts, 2000 Croix de Labrie is a sexy little wine made for hedonists. Incredible levels of concentrated dark ripe fruit stain your palate. If you like a page in The Wine Cellar Insider, please link to it! The wine is ripe, round and ready to drink. With that in mind, earlier this year, along with Robert Parker and a few other people, (about 8 in all,) we took a look back at 2000 Bordeaux, the first vintage of the century, this century, as well as the debut vintage of the millennium. 91 Pts, 2000 La Gomerie floods your pleasure centers with mounds of black raspberry, licorice, minerals, mocha and spice. By mid-summer, while it was still early, no one expected a great vintage. The long finish is round and complex. With more bottle age, this could hit triple digits. La compétition s'est terminée le 24 mai 2000 par la finale au Stade de France à Paris . The wine did not taste fully ripe and the tannins were drying in the mouth. 2010 Bordeaux has its fans as well. The harvest took place under sublime, warm and dry, conditions. The wine marries intensity with balance, complexity, purity and an exotic style. But the pleasure stopped there. The seamless finish of juicy, ripe plums and dark berries fills your mouth with pleasure and remains etched on your palate for close to sixty seconds! L'historique des championnats pros et amateurs depuis 1946 But then at this level I suppose much of the wine is being sold to investors rather than drinkers. That all changed with this bottle! That same kinky, exotic cherry flavor and similar textures could be found in the older wines. The wine is already showing well. It’s a property to watch. 87 Pts, 2000 D’Issan expresses spice, black fruit, cedar and tobacco in the nose. Soft, round, elegant, harmonious, concentrated, fresh and refined define the wine. So for a wine to grab me, call me by name and ask me to go home with it, it had to be special. 93 Pts, 2000 Malescot St. Exupery opens up with floral, cassis, orange blossom and spice aromatics. 2000 Quinault L’Enclos is not as fresh, rich, lush or interesting as it was a few years ago. By continuing to use this site, you consent to this. 91 Pts, 2000 Ducru Beaucaillou started off with an interesting mix of orange, floral, spice, black fruit and licorice scents. The wine is rich, full bodied and is already at the perfect spot to enjoy. This medium bodied wine did not seem fully ripe. This vintage seems to have produced some great wines that could already give pleasure but will still clearly be doing so in 20 or 30 years' time. Bordeaux Bordeaux II. While there was a strong correlation between my scores and current prices, with most of what I felt were the most exciting wines selling for depressingly high prices (Château Lafite 2000 at £17,000 a dozen, anyone? Most obvious is Château Lagrange, the renovated St-Julien property, which is currently trading at around £480 a case of a dozen bottles and can be found in the UK for as (relatively) little as £45 per single bottle at Davys of London. 94 Pts, 2000 Palmer begins with an powerful display of dark fruit and black raspberry scents along with truffles, flowers, earth and exotic hints of citrus oil. Rich, concentrated and filled with depth of flavor, this special wine offers beautiful purity. Normally, this is a big, brooding, old school wine that takes decades to shed its ample tannin. 96 Pts, 2000 Pavie Macquin with its blackberry, dark cherry, fennel and mineral filled perfume was rich, round and full bodied. I’ve had better bottles of this wine on other occasions. Eric Prisette, the European Soccer star and former owner recently sold the property to the Robin family who are related to the previous owners of Lafleur. If you want to read about the best Bordeaux value wines from 2000 Bordeaux and from other vintages, Bordeaux Wine Buying Guide Find the Best Bordeaux for the money to buy today (Vintages 1959 to today) If you are interested in reading detailed weather reports on the growing season and the harvest, Bordeaux Year to Year Detailed Vintage and Harvest Reports Guide 1900 to Today. Already mature, this light wine ends with some drying sensations. This full bodied wine was filled with mouth drying tannins along with a brawny, masculine, old school, Bordeaux wine personality. Another decade or two will add a lot of character and complexity to this wine. This wine needs at least another decade before its port like style becomes civilized. 93 Pts, 2000 Marojallia offers an intriguing perfume of truffle, earth, mocha, blackberry and black cherry scents. I said almost too much. Start to open any lesser examples you own. But the pleasure stopped there. The finish ends with ripe, dark fruit flavors with a hint of chocolate covered licorice. Starting with August, the weather improved dramatically and September was perfect! The wine is already drinking well. The tannins did not feel fully ripe. The wine is lush, rich and mouth filling with round tannins, freshness, purity and an intensity of flavors. 93 Pts. 93 Pts, 2000 Pape Clement shows jammy black fruit, anise, tobacco and black cherry tones. 2009 Bordeaux wine is thought of by most tasters, writers and critics as one the great Bordeaux vintages of all time. What I love about this vintage is that in almost all cases the grape obviously ripened properly (unlike so many Bordeaux vintages – although in this context Sociando Mallet looked a little herbaceous) and yet it has delightful freshness (unlike 2003), gentle tannins (unlike 2005) and seriously impressive harmony. A few more years should help better integrate the oak in the wine. Many petit chateaux also made fine wine. But the wine lacks the same level of power, intensity and purity found in the top wines of the vintage. Ripe black raspberry, with hints of fennel, help define this charming wine. But the point of red bordeaux at all levels except the most basic is that it has to be aged in bottle before it provides real drinking pleasure – if you're lucky. This is a very suave, stylish style of Bordeaux wine. 87 Pts, 2000 Rol Valentin seems close to full maturity. This full bodied wine is already approachable. 97 Pts, 2000 Bahans Haut Brion opens with an earthy, smoke and tobacco nose. Even my least favourite wine in this selection, Château Belair in St-Émilion, which has since been taken in hand by J P Moueix of Libourne, whose team also make Château Pétrus, is a perfectly nice drink at this advanced stage in its life. 91 Pts, 2000 Haut Brion is filled with tobacco, tar, cassis, black fruit, herbs and caramel scents. Vineyards on both banks suffered from mildew. The non-stop perfume explosion reminded me of what Hendrix sounded like during his performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock! Autres entreprises avec la même activité dans le département : GIRONDE, Aujourd’hui : 88826 mises à jour enregistrées sur les entreprises,
GARAGE BORDEAUX 2000 317 007 532 R.C.S. The wine has good concentration and depth, along with silky textures, but there was a minor hint of green in the finish. Thick, rich, intense and balanced, this wine needs several years to open and reveal all its charms. Tasted young, it can be a bit of an assault, chock full of astringent tannins, blackening colour and marked acidity. Silk, elegance and ripe fruit are the hallmarks of this wine. From May through July, the weather managed to cooperate from time to time, with alternating periods of heat and cool temperatures. The wine needs at least another 5 years to develop and express all its character. 100 Pts, 2000 Clos L’Eglise greets you with a chocolate, floral, black plum perfume. Owners should drink this wine young to capture its fruit and vitality. Cassis, cedar, ripe black fruit, tobacco and spice make up the intense perfume. There is no other way to say it. The 2000 Bordeaux wines were organized by region, from Left Bank to Right Bank, starting in the Northern Medoc with St. Estephe, going from north to south to Graves, before hitting Pomerol and concluding with St. Emilion. 88 Pts, 2000 Leoville Barton is filled with black fruit, truffles and spice in the perfume.

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