sahara occidental conflit

Marlioz, le 31 décembre 2020

[91] Spanish news agency Europa Press later criticized Moroccan authorities for expelling international observers from the public trail.[92]. France : «Le conflit du Sahara occidental n’a que trop duré». Philippe Randrianarimanana. Le colonisateur est le Maroc, l'Algérie a subit la vague de refugier massif sur son territoire suite à l’éclatement du conflit, c’est simple le Maroc doit faire comme la Mauritanie c’est-à-dire sortir du territoire qui ne lui appartient pas. Au début du XXe siècle, la France et l’Espagne se partagent le Maroc, vieux sultanat, alors chancelant. The Western Sahara War was an armed conflict, lasting from 1975 to 1991, fought primarily between the Polisario Front and Morocco. 6. On est toujours, dans les années 1970-1980, en pleine guerre froide. – Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) – Nbr. The SADR claims the Moroccan-built road is illegal, as it was built after the 1991 United Nations-brokered truce. Réussiront-ils à sortir de l’ornière un conflit qui s’enlise depuis plus de quatre décennies dans les sables du désert ? On peut imaginer que le départ de Bouteflika puisse changer la donne. Coutumier des décisions intempestives, le président américain Donald Trump a … Il est prévu pour 1992. After the events of the Zemla Intifada in 1970, when Spanish police forcibly disbanded the organization and "disappeared" its founder, Muhammad Bassiri, Sahrawi nationalism again swung towards militarism. P. 12", "United – France Libertés – The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria). P. 12", "Algeria, the Maghreb Union, and the Western Sahara stalemate. le Sahara occidental des nomades Sahraouis : ... Histoire des juifs - Résumé depuis 750 av. [citation needed] At this point, the maximum extent of the Polisario Front's manpower included perhaps 800 men, but they were backed by a larger network of supporters. The Polisario gradually gained control over large swaths of the Western Saharan desert, and its power grew steadily after early 1975 when the Tropas Nomadas began deserting en masse to the Polisario Front, bringing their weapons and training with them. Monsieur François Reynaert, –, l'Espagne cède aux demandes de Rabat et de son allié de Nouakchott. Quelque 350.000 Marocains sans armes, dont des femmes, des enfants et des vieillards, forcent la frontière et pénètrent dans le territoire convoité. Afin de nous permettre de conserver notre pérennité économique, Carte du Sahara Occidental (Google Map / Wikimedia Commons), 200 maires souhaitent se faire vacciner pour donner l’exemple, Jean-Pierre Jouyet : « L’Europe a fait des progrès considérables depuis le départ du Royaume-Uni », A Wuhan, les contaminations seraient 10 fois supérieures au bilan officiel, Francis Sak et Thomas Delmas, associés-fondateurs, …, Une société indépendante créée en 2015, spécialisée …, Bitcoin PoS takes everything you know and love about …, Rolléco Valisette d'intervention ALU Charge maxi : 13Kg -, L'Obs - Les marques ou contenus du site sont soumis à la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. Morocco continues to propose autonomy for the territory as the solution to the conflict, while the Polisario Front insists on nothing other than complete independence. Beginning in 1975, the Polisario Front, backed and supported by Algeria, waged a 16-year-long war for independence against Mauritania and Morocco. Human Rights Watch called on the Moroccan government to amend the article to ensure it did not apply to journalists. 03 déc 2020. Tous les Sahraouis, les habitants du pays, ne sont pas d’accord avec cette vision des choses. Des dizaines de milliers de Sahraouis, fuyant les bombardements marocains, se réfugient dans des camps installés autour de Tindouf, dans le sud-ouest algérien. on December 4, 2018 Moroccan forces arrested Nezha El Khalidi under Article 381 for live-streaming a Sahrawi protest and subsequently failing to meet the qualifications of a journalist. Sahara occidental : un conflit post-colonial qui n'a que trop duré. Arte : voici comment l'ANP intoxique les réseaux à propos du conflit au Sahara Occidental The Polisario Front accepted this voter list, as it had done with the previous list presented by the UN (both of them originally based on the Spanish census of 1974), but Morocco refused. Causes and consequences", "UNHCR – Western Sahara Atlas Map – June 2006", "UN must monitor human rights in Western Sahara and Sahrawi refugee camps", "World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Morocco/Western Sahara", "UN peacekeeping force in Western Sahara must urgently monitor human rights", "Morocco/Western Sahara: Investigate brutal crackdown on Sahrawi protesters", "RSF Report: Western Sahara, A News Blackhole | Reporters without borders", "VP/HR - Human rights violations in Laayoune, Western Sahara", "Morocco/Western Sahara: Law Misused to Silence Reporters", "PSIB critica la expulsión de Marruecos de los abogados que querían asistir como observadores al juicio contra Khalidi", "Morocco/Western Sahara: Video Captured Police Violence", "Analysis | Video contradicts Morocco's justification of a brutal beating in Western Sahara", "Algeria/Western Sahara: Three Dissidents Behind Bars", "Morocco / Western Sahara : Judicial harassment | Reporters without borders", Sudanese nomadic conflicts (2009–present), Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile (2011–present), Communal conflicts in Nigeria (1998–present), Lord's Resistance Army insurgency (1987–present), Eritrean–Ethiopian border conflict (2000–2018), Allied Democratic Forces insurgency (1996–present),, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles lacking reliable references from June 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2012, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2010, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Ce travail s'appuie sur les revenus complémentaires de la publicité et de l'abonnement. Placée devant ce fait accompli auquel il lui est difficile de répondre – comment prendre le risque de tirer sur une foule désarmée ? As a result of the passage of this resolution, the parties involved met in Manhasset, New York to once again try and settle the dispute. [citation needed]. ", a Brussels-based commercial firm in the domain of counselling, "The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria)", "Telquel – Maroc/Algérie.Bluff et petites manœuvres", "Khadija Mohsen-Finan Le règlement du conflit du Sahara occidental à l'épreuve de la nouvelle donne régionale", "France Libertés – The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria). [83] The Polisario call the Berm the "wall of shame" while Morocco calls it a "defensive wall", "wall of sand" or "security wall". [88] The clashes led to the arrest of dozens of protestors one death. Voulant prouver sa bonne volonté, le Maroc a adhéré à nouveau à l’Union africaine en 2017. The Western Sahara conflict is an ongoing conflict between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco. En février 1976, il proclame la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD), un Etat non reconnu internationalement, qui réclame la souveraineté du territoire. Article 381 restricts citizens from claiming a profession without meeting the necessary qualifications. La guerre du Sahara occidental est un épisode du Conflit au Sahara occidental entre 1975 et 1991 [3].C'est un conflit militaire opposant le Maroc et la Mauritanie au Front Polisario, sur le territoire du Sahara occidental.La guerre éclate à la suite du retrait de l'Espagne du Sahara espagnol, qu'elle avait convenu de céder au Maroc et à la Mauritanie lors des accords de Madrid. IV. [73], In April 2020, the Polisario Front publicly condemned the state of the on-going peace talks stating that its inaction legitimized the encroachment of Morocco into the territory. Il y a, bien sûr, des intérêts économiques : le Sahara occidental, c’est beaucoup de sable, mais aussi des gisements importants de phosphate et un littoral qui passe pour être le plus poissonneux du monde. [55] While the text of the agreement claimed that the fisheries will have no impact on the ongoing conflict, the agreement was denounced by various Saharawi groups. Se trata de un territorio estratégico y rico en recursos naturales que, durante casi un siglo, fue parte de España y que, actualmente, se encuentra bajo dominio mayoritario de Marruecos, país vecino. Le directeur général de l’Institut national d’études de stratégie globale (INESG), Abdelaziz Medjahed, a fait savoir, ce lundi 16 novembre, que la France était dernière le Maroc dans l’affaire du conflit du Sahara Occidental. Vous avez choisi de ne pas accepter le dépôt de cookies, notamment les cookies de publicité personnalisée. Le fait est que, dans le pays, la souveraineté marocaine sur le Sahara occidental est l’objet d’un consensus qui rassemble à peu près toutes les sensibilités. After several more engagements between 1989 and 1991, a cease-fire agreement was reached between the Polisario Front and the Moroccan government. Efforts to gain support in the Arab World for the idea of a Greater Morocco did not receive much support despite efforts in the early 1960s to enlist the Arab League for its cause. [83], The Western Sahara conflict has resulted in severe human rights abuses, most notably the aerial bombardments with napalm and white phosphorus of the Sahrawi refugee camps,[84] the exodus of tens of thousands of Sahrawi civilians from the country, and the forced expropriation and expulsion of tens of thousands of Moroccan expatriate civilians by the Algerian government in reaction to the Green March. Some 40,000–80,000[citation needed] Sahrawi refugees were displaced as a result of the conflict; at present, most still reside in various Sahrawi refugee camps throughout the Tindouf province of Algeria. In July 2019 the Polisario Front arrested three Saharawi activists within the refugee camps for criticizing the Polisario Front's governance in Facebook Posts. Les faits À la demande de l’Allemagne, le conseil de sécurité de l’ONU doit se … A qui doit revenir ce que l’on appelle encore le "Sahara espagnol" ? The Gdeim Izik protest camp was established in Western Sahara on 9 October 2010 and lasted into November, with related incidents occurring in the aftermath of its dismantlement on 8 November 2010. After another inconclusive round of talks, the parties finally, on 8–9 January 2008, agreed on "the need to move into a more intensive and substantive phase of negotiations". The First Sahrawi Intifada began in 1999 and lasted until 2004,[24] transforming into the Independence Intifada in 2005. The conflict erupted after the withdrawal of Spain from the Spanish Sahara in accordance with the Madrid Accords, by which it agreed to give administrative control of the territory to Morocco and Mauritania. Le Sahara, un espace de conflits 1.Le Sahara occidental L’ouest du Sahara se caractérise par un conflit frontalier persistant dont l’enjeu est le Sahara occidental, ancienne colonie espagnole, que se sont partagés le Maroc et la Mauritanie en 1975. L'extension du conflit, 1976 - 1988 . Elle envoie sur place la Minurso, une mission de maintien de la paix qui a pour objectif d’organiser le fameux référendum d’autodétermination espéré depuis des années. [94] Al-Batal was sentenced to six years in prison. On l’attend toujours. [citation needed] The 1975 United Nations visiting mission to Spanish Sahara, headed by Simeon Aké, concluded that Sahrawi support for independence (as opposed to Spanish rule or integration with a neighboring country) amounted to an "overwhelming consensus" and that the Polisario Front was by far the most powerful political force in the country.[23]. The Baker Plan (formally, Peace Plan for Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara) was a United Nations initiative led by James Baker to grant self-determination to Western Sahara, and was formulated in the year 2000. [65] By 2001, the process had reached a stalemate, and the UN Secretary-General asked the parties for the first time to explore other solutions. [33] Some third parties have called for both Morocco and Algeria to negotiate directly to find a solution for the conflict. En 1991, dans une ambiance de fin de guerre froide, l’ONU réussit enfin à faire accepter un cessez-le-feu aux belligérants. According to a NATO delegation MINURSO election observers stated in 1999 that "if the number of voters does not rise significantly the odds were slightly on the SADR side". Raids and rebellions by the indigenous Sahrawi population kept the Spanish forces out of much of the Spanish-claimed territory for a long time. Il faut demander à la France et l'Espagne de déclassifiés les archives. [75], The Polisario controls about 20–25% of the Western Sahara territory,[76] as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), and claim sovereignty over the entire territory of Western Sahara. Le conflit du Sahara occidental « est une question de décolonisation qui ne peut être résolue qu'à travers l'application du droit international et de l’Union africaine » en la matière. The refugee camps are located in Algeria and the country has armed, trained, and financed the Polisario for more than thirty years. [31] The United Nations has only ever officially considered Morocco and the Polisario Front parties to the conflict, however acknowledges that other interests may also be involved. On November 14, 2020, SADR president Brahim Ghali announced that he had signed a decree bringing the 29 year old ceasefire to an end, citing an incident two days prior in which the Moroccan army forcibly entered a crossing within the buffer zone that was being blocked by protesters - acts which the SADR considered a declaration of war. [59], In April 2013, the United States proposed that MINURSO monitored human rights (as all the other UN mission since 1991) in Western Sahara, a move that Morocco strongly opposed, cancelling the annual African Lion military exercises with U.S. Army troops. At the heart of the dispute lies the question of who qualifies as a potential voter; the Polisario has insisted on only allowing those found on the 1974 Spanish Census lists (see below) to vote, while Morocco has insisted that the census was flawed by evasion and sought the inclusion of members of Sahrawi tribes which escape from Spanish invasion to the north of Morocco by the 19th century. [54] Although the Polisario Front was not involved in the negotiations, the SFPA explicitly allows for European Vessels to fish in the disputed coast of the Western Sahara territory. L’affaire du Sahara occidental en est un des abcès de fixation en Afrique. According to Pascal Bongard, program director at Geneva Call, between five and ten million land mines have been laid in the areas around the wall. Après 30 ans d'immobilisme, le cessez-le-feu a été interrompu au Sahara occidental. Tony Hodges (1983), Western Sahara: The Roots of a Desert War, Lawrence Hill Books (, Anthony G. Pazzanita and Tony Hodges (1994), Historical Dictionary of Western Sahara, Scarecrow Press (, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 17:56. According to maps from MINURSO[81] or the UNHCR,[82] part of the wall extends several kilometers into internationally recognized Mauritanian territory. C'est donc Alger qui visiblement ne veut pas débloquer la situation tant que ce conflit saharien n'est pas réglé. Le Maroc, au nom de vieilles allégeances que les chefs des tribus nomades du désert faisaient à leurs sultans, estime que ce territoire doit lui revenir. chapitre 10. chapitre 11. chapitre 12. « Nous ne sommes plus dans la diplomatie régionale, mais mondiale. The Moroccan government has not yet commented on these claims.[27][28][29]. En 1982, l’Algérie réussit à faire entrer la RASD à l’Organisation de l'unité africaine (OUA, ancêtre de l’actuelle Union africaine). "[20], The Western Sahara Berm, also known as the Moroccan Wall, is an approximately 2,700 km-long defensive structure consisting primarily of sand running through Western Sahara and the southeastern portion of Morocco. 173", "Morocco severs ties with Iran, accusing it of backing Polisario Front", "Morocco Flexes Its Muscles Over Western Sahara: An Analysis of Rabat's Standoff With Tehran", "Pourquoi le Maroc a rompu ses relations avec l'Iran", "The EU, Morocco, and the Western Sahara: a chance for justice", "The Republic of Liberia Opens Consulate General in Dakhla", "New African consulates cause trouble for Western Sahara | DW | 31.03.2020", "MEPs adopt new Fisheries Partnership with Morocco including Western Sahara | News | European Parliament", "MEPs: Seek European Court's Opinion on EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement's Compatibility with International Law", "98 Saharawi groups call on European Parliament to reject fish deal -", "EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement: Polisario Front to file complaint before CJEU", "Morocco adds Western Sahara waters to its maritime borders | AW staff", "Obama reverses Bush-backed Morocco plan in favor of Polisario state", "U.S. proposes U.N. Western Sahara rights monitor; Morocco warns of "missteps, Morocco’s autonomy proposal "can’t be the only basis in these negotiations," says Samuel L. Kaplan, "Trump announces Israel and Morocco will normalize relations", "Israel and Morocco agree to normalise relations in latest Trump-brokered deal", "TIMELINE: Western Sahara, a 50-year-old dispute",, "Morocco and Polisario Front to hold second meeting to resolve 32-year dispute", "Western Sahara: UN-led talks end with parties pledging to step up negotiations", "Secretary-General appoints Peter van Walsum of the Netherlands as Personal Envoy for Western Sahara", "First Western Sahara talks at UN in six years, begin in Geneva", "Le Front Polisario déplore l'"inaction" et "le silence" du Conseil de sécurité", "Search for New UN Personal Envoy for Western Sahara is Ongoing", Cuadro de zonas de división del Sáhara Occidental, "Numerous reports from the Official Portal of the Government of Morocco refer to the area as a "buffer zone, "FMO Research Guide, Western Sahara. Le conflit du Sahara occidental est l’un des plus anciens et l’un des plus négligés du monde. [88] The protests began as celebrations for Algeria's win in the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations, and eventually escalated into demonstrations for Sahrawi self-determination and clashes with Moroccan security forces. [citation needed]. Morocco's position is that Algeria is part of the conflict and uses the Sahara issue for geopolitical interests that date from the Cold War, claiming that this country in its official communication to the United Nations "presents itself sometimes as 'a concerned party,' other times as an 'important actor,' or as a 'party' in the settlement of the dispute". [78][79] Most affairs and camp life organization is run by the refugees themselves, with little outside interference. Algeria sees itself as an "important actor" in the conflict,[30] and officially supports the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination. Even though Algeria has no official claim to Western Sahara, some experts see that the Sahara conflict represents a domestic political issue for the country. According to Human Rights Watch, the Moroccan security forces moved to dismantle the Gdeim Izik tent camp. Profitons de ce moment pour rappeler dans ses très grandes lignes les enjeux de cette trop vieille histoire. In 2011, Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jiménez called for a U.N. committee to evaluate the security situation in the Polisario-controlled refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) and probe possible corruption in the distribution of international aid there. Elle renonce à son morceau de Sahara et se retire derrière ses frontières. Today the conflict is dominated by unarmed civil campaigns of the Polisario Front and their self-proclaimed SADR state to gain fully recognized independence for Western Sahara. [90], Human Rights Watch has also been critical of the treatment of journalists during this conflict. Morocco claims to have captured "dozens of Algerian officers and non-commissioned officers and soldiers" during these confrontations, but has released them to Algerian authorities.[31]. Quand à la mer la plus poissonneuse du monde, c'est compter sans les navires Chinois qui écument la région et qui risquent de la transformer en désert. The SADR government considers the Moroccan-held territory occupied territory, while Morocco considers the much smaller SADR held territory to be a buffer zone. Le simple fait qu’Horst Köhler, ancien président allemand devenu le médiateur de l’ONU sur ce dossier, ait réussi à les installer tous autour d’une table est déjà assez rare pour ne pas être salué. The country received a low score of 42.88 out of 100 citing the continued "judicial harassment" of the media. [53], Members of European Parliament passed the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) in February 2019 which established an agreement for European Fishing vessels to fish in Moroccan territory and laid out plans for a transition towards a sustainable fishing model. Footage from the clashes shows security forces using rocks, tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protestors. Le Maroc dégaine le plus vite. It acts as a separation barrier between the Moroccan-controlled areas and the Polisario-controlled section of the territory (the SADR). The referendum, originally scheduled for 1992, was intended to give the local population of Western Sahara the option between independence or affirming integration with Morocco, but it quickly stalled. Cette triste affaire n'existe qu'a cause du conflit larvé entre l'Algérie et le Maroc... United Nations Visiting Mission to Spanish Sahara, 1975, General Assembly, 30th Session, Supplement 23, UN DocumentA/10023/Rev. The NGO Human Rights Watch penned a letter to European Members of Parliament seeking a vote against the proposition, arguing that Morocco has no legal basis to make agreements regarding a disputed territory and is thus illegal under international law. Quelle doit-être la question posée ? [45], Morocco has argued that the Polisario Front receives support from Hezbollah, Iran, and al-Qaida. En attendant qu’un miracle sorte enfin des négociations de Genève, le Sahara occidental est donc un des derniers pays divisés du monde et une partie de sa population vit depuis quatre décennies en exil, dans des camps de fortune. novembre 13, 2020. [64] In 1997, the Houston Agreement attempted to revive the proposal for a referendum, but likewise has not met with had success. Nous respectons votre choix. Though sporadic demonstrations continue, the movement had largely subsided by May 2011. The opening of the consulate was condemned by international representatives of both the Polisario Front and Algeria. [74] Currently the position of United Nations envoy to Western Sahara is empty and the Security Counsel is actively seeking a replacement. Synthèse. [20], The Polisario Front was formally constituted on 10 May 1973 in the Mauritanian city of Zouirate,[21] with the express intention of militarily forcing an end to Spanish colonization. The refugee camps were set up in the Tindouf Province, Algeria in 1975–76 for the benefit of Sahrawi refugees fleeing from Moroccan forces during the Western Sahara War. [34] Since the end of 2016, the UN has gathered stakeholders around roundtables organized in Geneva. L’ancien diplomate Abdelaziz Rahabi s’est exprimé sur les derniers développements du conflit du Sahara Occidental, pointant du doigt la France. Report of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara. [80] Women have been "responsible for much of the administration of the camps. It was intended to replace the Settlement Plan of 1991 and the Houston Agreement of 1997, which had effectively failed to make any lasting improvement. Eleven security officers and at least two civilians were killed, by official count. During the events one civilian was killed and hundreds wounded. Ma al-Aynayn the Saharan pro-Moroccan caïd of Tindouf and Smara named by the Moroccan sultan started an uprising against the French in 1910 in response to French attempts to expand their influence and control in North-West Africa. Several international human rights organizations have accused the Moroccan government of imposing a media blackout in the region by targeting protestors and journalists. The Western Sahara conflict is an ongoing conflict between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco.The conflict originated from an insurgency by the Polisario Front against Spanish colonial forces from 1973 to 1975 and the subsequent Western Sahara War against Morocco between 1975 and 1991. Erik Jensen, who played an administrative role in MINURSO, wrote that neither side would agree to a voter registration in which they believed they were destined to lose. (s/2001/613 Paragraph 54)", "Sahara Marathon: Host Interview Transcript", "US Ambassador urges dialogue between Morocco and Algeria", "The Polisario Front – Credible Negotiations Partner or After Effect of the Cold War and Obstacle to a Political Solution in Western Sahara? As a result of this ambivalence, the movement eventually relocated to Spanish-controlled Western Sahara to start an armed rebellion. In 1884, Spain claimed a protectorate over the coast from Cape Bojador to Cap Blanc. « Le conflit du Sahara occidental est une question de décolonisation qui ne peut être résolue qu’à travers l’application du droit international et de la doctrine bien établie des Nations Unies et de l’Union Africaine en la matière, c’est-à-dire l’exercice authentique par le … The Polisario Front, backed by Algeria and Libya, desiring instead the establishment an independent Sahrawi state in the territory, fought both Mauritania and Morocco in quick succession, in an attempt to drive their forces out of the region. Au milieu des années 1970, alors que Franco n’en finit plus d’agoniser, Madrid se décide enfin à en partir. The questions of mutual recognition, establishment of a possible Sahrawi state and the large numbers of Sahrawi refugees displaced by the conflict are among the key issues of the ongoing Western Sahara peace process. Au Timor comme au Sahara Occidental, l'indépendance est irréversible . [44] The statement by Jiménez came two days after two Spanish aid workers and one Italian were kidnapped by suspected al-Qaeda members in Tindouf, which is under the control of Polisario Front, which seeks the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco. The war resulted in somewhere between 14,000 and 21,000 casualties between both sides. The conflict originated from an insurgency by the Polisario Front against Spanish colonial forces from 1973 to 1975 and the subsequent Western Sahara War against Morocco between 1975 and 1991. M. Rahabi déplore la décision du Maroc de faire intervenir des acteurs étrangers dans le conflit au Sahara occidental. Côté ouest, les 80% de celui-ci, contrôlés par Rabat. In 1979, Mauritania withdrew its forces from the disputed territory, and the Polisario Front and Morocco reached a ceasefire agreement in 1991. Continuing disputes between the two factions once more brought the process to a halt. With most refugees still living in the camps, the refugee situation is among the most protracted worldwide. Il existe d’abord des conflits frontaliers liés à des revendications territoriales: c’est le cas du conflit du Sahara occidental entre le Maroc, les Sahraouis et la Mauritanie. Sahara occidental : 45 ans de conflits et de négociations "au point mort" Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | Vous avez publié votre avis en omettant l'original. Depuis, les gestes se succèdent, dans un sens ou dans l’autre. After attempting in vain to gain backing from several Arab governments, including both Algeria and Morocco itself, the movement only succeeded in obtaining support from Libya and Mauritania. [45] Morocco's expansionist ambitions caused strains, including a temporary rupture of relations with Tunisia. The main novelty is that Algeria has been invited to these round tables. On 20 May he led the Khanga raid, the Polisario's first armed action,[22] in which a Spanish post manned by a team of Tropas Nomadas (Sahrawi-staffed auxiliary forces) was overrun and a cache of rifles seized. Le contenu de ce site est le fruit du travail de l'ensemble d'une rédaction qui oeuvre chaque jour à vous apporter une information de qualité, fiable, complète, et d'une équipe web qui vous propose des services innovants. As rejected voter candidates began a mass-appeals procedure, the Moroccan government insisted that each application be scrutinized individually. By 1999 the UN had identified about 85,000 voters, with nearly half of them in the Moroccan-controlled parts of Western Sahara or Southern Morocco, and the others scattered between the Tindouf refugee camps, Mauritania and other locations throughout the world. [46][47] There is no third-party substantiation of these claims. [70] An additional round of talks was held from 18 to 19 March 2008, but once again no major agreement was reached. Qui doit participer au vote ? "Le conflit du Sahara occidental est une question de décolonisation qui ne peut être résolue qu'à travers l'application du droit international", a réaffirmé samedi, dans un communiqué, le ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères, soulignant que la … Le Polisario n’en veut pas. The Moroccans have been more successful regarding the Western Sahara. On n’y trouve rien d’au… Il est également demandeur d'une reprise pour séparer la relation algéro-marocaine de l'affaire du Sahara occidental. The efforts invested by Algeria in the Western Sahara conflict, especially at the level of its international relations, are comparable to the ones of an involved party such as Morocco. Elle s’installe aussi au sud, là où le Sahara rejoint l’Atlantique, dans une très longue bande de terre. Despite an initial outburst of support, the 2011 protests largely subsided on their own by May 2011.

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